My heart nearly bursts with joy
The moment the sparkling blue water
touches my eyes
Images of dancing Sun Fairies long
ago come to mind
Over the years I have found joy in
small moments of beauty
It’s my survival and my way of
hanging on to life itself
My life has been hard
It’s been dictated by other people
with warped ideas of living
Sitting in a room locked away from
life is not even existence
Love of beautiful things helped me to
stay alive
The sight of a dancing garden bed
with colourful flowers and green
gives my heart some hope and
The clouds today are white and puffy
Against the bright blue sky they give
me a sense of power and expansion.
My life is better than it has been
but I still need the beautiful things to
keep me sane and grounded
Loving beauty
Loving living
Loving loving
Plenty of reasons to live now
I’m getting more life than I ever knew
was possible
Hilltop views are like my vision for life
Long, wide views of beautiful greens
and yellows, reds and oranges
The eye can see no further but the view
goes on forever
It’s life in images
Expanded, endless, in longings for
I find grace and peace in the views I
see before me
The hills and valleys, trees and grass,
Blue sky, white clouds
And colourful me.