My heart nearly bursts with joyThe moment the sparkling blue watertouches my eyesImages of dancing Sun Fairies longago come to…
Mike Russell

I hear the birds sing.They warble and they bellow.Their tune dancesthrough my window.I am so inspiredby the noise they make.The…

Was and is
She was and is my favourite sister. It is so easy to imagine her with butterfly wings because she flew…

My bones are strange, fearsome, warriors of fanatical powers, they carry me onwards in my journey to the stars. I…

My body is a temple to sex and love and all its delights. My body sings with joy and luscious…

My voice pure with sensitivity, but it stings my throat and doesn’t move from there. It sings in angelic tones,…

Why did you do this to me, Why am I autistic and a genius, Why couldn’t I be normal and…

The words shape the writer (the day I first found FC and words). It was very sad and lonely and…

It was a very simple thing. It only lasted a few minutes but he was delighted and thrilled. She looked…

Looking, not Finding
Just a little person inside a big person Just a small fragile child with no eyes With no ears With…