My head still seems full after being asleep. My mind begins the day full and gets fuller when I dream….
Vast difference
Dead or alive Beaten or Victorious Enemies or friends, What shall I say except that I want friends to be…
Tinsel and tails Top hats and feather boas Life in a world behind the red door Basement Music drifts through…
(the day I left the institution) When I came home free at last Away from that horrible place Where nobody…
I am a poetmaster, flowing through the sea of words in my silver submarine. Monsters of the deep clutch at…
I miss ice cream, having lots of lego, being really young. The lack of lego leaves my brain without keeping…
Author Profile
David talks to Ann-Maree Long, and shares a bit about his life and plans.
The colour of love
My body is my best feature as my brain is yours for the taking. My body can fly because it…
My voice is the sound of the sea at the falling of the moon, restlessly lapping, boring, then whispering quietly,…
I am a sofa Not a nice sliding sofa with a bed incorporated. Not a sleek steel and leather recliner….
Whoosh, roar, thump, splash. Trees singing war chants before pistol cracks And people scared on screens which encase drowned road…
Great smash of rain on my window tap dancer in stiletto heels trees flying smells clean.
I stand tall and proud, looking down over the ages: don’t know the wonders I have seen. Many people worship…
It dribbles out of my mouth like lava from a volcano. It tastes sweet and has waves of exuberant feelings…
I edited my stuffing book. It has been a marathon to get it to the printers. I have had headaches…
I miss my voice
My body is a flaming mess, It goes in weird places and I can’t control it, Arms are in the…
I am…
I am a freelance genius. How much moolah do you have for me? There is a special woman who makes…
It was hot and humid Waves crashed and rolled in Winds roared, trees fell Sand blasted the beach House stills…
If I could talk
My body is in an eternal cave which will cool down after the volcano erupts. My voice echoes inside of…
If you would just visit my love You would see me. If you would see my love you would see…
I am
I am the pink princess of poetry I say what I have in my heart I am a lady of…
My Family
Pop understands my ways, he never forgets cool songs. Uncle Rocky hops around and gets on the booze. Dad has…
A monster, Lots of peanut butter, loads of chocolate sprinkles, lots of slimy, nourishing blobs of mango.
The exquisite pig Went to visit the queen He rode his motorcycle It made his heart glisten.
Non-existent, my world does not allow for it. My world has no place for it. I gave up long ago,…